Matlab/DSP Projects
As we are learning mathematics from our primary levels to all the higher levels, most of the people are not enriched with the relevance of studying it. Each and every algorithm is on the basis of some mathematical equations that are being arranged in a sequential manner. Most of the filtering and compression techniques that we are using commonly, relates these equations to attain perfect output. Algorithm based development is mostly adopted in the field of signal/image processing which could be analyzed with the help of Matlab and DSP’s.
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Students can enjoy listed Features
- ISO-9001-2008 Certified Embedded division
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- Unlimited Development Boards and kits
PIC,ATMEL,AVR,ARM,DSP (More than 300 kits) - Unlimited Modules,Sensors,breakout boards,widgets and tools
- 7000 Square Feet Lab space
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DSO's,MSO's,Spectrum Analysers,Logic analyzers,
Emulators,In-circuit debuggers,Programmers,
Protocol Decoders - Hacker Space with CNC Machine,Laser Cuter and 3d Printer
- Happy to realize students own ideas
- Facility to import hard to find components
Year's of Experience
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Completed Projects
Products Developed

MATLAB Based Projects
MATLAB is a high-level language that any person can decipher computationally intensive tasks faster than with traditional programming languages such as C, C++, and FORTRAN. Matlab ranges from the low level numerical calculations to higher level computations which constitutes artificial intelligence, genetic algorithms etc. Our Matlab resources explores the field of signal processing, image processing, audio processing, GUI and Simulink.
We also do MATLAB based projects which requires hardware interfaces like USB,RS232 Parallel ports and Ethernet etc. Projects can be developed using Embedded system with MATLAB based signal processing..
Digital Signal Processor(DSP) Based
Digital signal processor is an enhanced microprocessor mainly explores the field of digital signal processing. The main purpose of a Digital signal processor is to build an algorithm based system mainly to perform the heavier tasks like compression, filtering etc.
Here we perform Digital Signal processing in TMS320C6713 device composes the floating-point DSP generation in the TMS320C6000™ DSP platform. The C6713 device is based on the high-performance, advanced very-long-instruction-word (VLIW) architecture developed by Texas Instruments (TI), making this DSP an excellent choice for multichannel and multifunction applications.

Image/Audio Processing Based
As we know an image is the composition of group of pixels. So retrieving the information’s of each and every pixels and it should be transformed according to our needs using certain algorithms which comprises the image processing. One colored pixel corresponds to 24 bit integer, 8 bit for red, 8 bit for green, 8 bit for blue as all other pixels are the combination of these three primary colors. So by differentiating these bits of values an image surgery could be performed for detection, recognition, classification, segmentation process etc. Using high level languages like Matlab and Python and being interfaced with the advanced OPENCV library, we made resourceful projects in the field of Biomedical, Biometrics, Surveillance, Communication, etc. A detailed analysis of an image could be led to a drastic change in the way of thinking as we are so much enriched in our visual concepts.
How it works
We streamlined our project guidance procedure,
so as to get 100% confidents to students..
Free course on the Project Subject
Depending on the topics selected , we provide FREE course on the subject with customized syllabus.We will split the projects in to the smaller modules and provide focused training (theory & practical) on the specific area. So student will be familiar with every modules used in the projects.
Implement The Project work
Once the Free subject training is over, we will start the project design/development process. This stage we will combine the modules /interfaces and start the coding for project. All the process will be on common boards , once everything is completed will move to next stage...
Free training on Practical PCB Design
Till now, we have used common boards for testing and developing the projects. Now have to do Schematic design and PCB design procedures with dedicated CAD/CAM software's.You will be guided by our Professional Designers with industrial work experience.
Enable you to ready for VIVA
Now, you are about to finish, but need to documentation and be prepared for VIVA. We will guide you to prepare your own projects reports and other documents. Apart from that, our engineers will guide you how to face VIVA and will conduct a model VIVA for you, to get confidence...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Is there any pre qualification Required?
We provide Project guidance for M-Tech,M-Sc,MCA,B-Tech,B-Sc,BCA and Diploma students.
How many days it will take to complete a project?
Since we are providing Free course along with project guidance it may take few more days to complete. It depends on the stream, for B-Tech students it is 15-25 Days , B-Sc and Diploma it will take 10-15 Days and M-tech it will be 25-60 Days depending the project toughness..
Do you provide support to our own ideas?
Yes, we are more interested on it since we know, young minds will have innovative ideas, we are happy to be a part of it.
Will you provide Project guidance at our campus
Yes, we can provide the guidance at your campus, provided there should be a minimum guaranteed students strength.
Do you provide project output guarantee?
Yes, we do. Since we are an R&D company till now we successfully completed all the project handled.
Do not wait any more...
It may be difficult to find another true R&D company,who is providing 100% Live project support...
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