Industrial Internship program is designed by group of industry and academia veterans after years of extensive research and collaboration. It is tailored for person ,who is having Technical qualification and our Team will conduct an interview and test to select the right candidate. It is a comprehensive skill development program which is industry focused and included up to 100’s of practical’s, 10’s of standalone industrial projects to familiarize the design process and be ready to take any challenges in the technical world..
Most of the embedded research professionals are forced to struggle within the detailed sections in the embedded world like interrupt controllers,,device driver design and scheduling strategies, rather than focusing on specifying desired behavior. The sheer mass and complexity of these technologies tempts our R&D division to focus a detailed course on Embedded Systems and there by mastering the professionals for building a good embedded career.
Why should at RHYDO
It will not be difficult to choose us among thousands...
Students can enjoy listed Features
- ISO-9001-2008 Certified Embedded division
- Get Trained from True R&D Company
- Guidance by Professional Engineers
- "ARM-Connected" Partner
- Unlimited Development Boards and kits
PIC,ATMEL,AVR,ARM,DSP (More than 300 kits) - Unlimited Modules,Sensors,breakout boards,widgets and tools
- 7000 Square Feet Lab space
- Labs loaded with -
DSO's,MSO's,Spectrum Analysers,Logic analyzers,
Emulators,In-circuit debuggers,Programmers,
Protocol Decoders - Hacker Space with CNC Machine,Laser Cuter and 3d Printer
- Happy to realize students own ideas
- Facility to import hard to find components
Year's of Experience
Completed Projects
Commercial Projects
Products Developed

Raspberry PI Course
We do provide short term courses on Raspberry PI based design courses for students.The Duration of the course is 1 month and it includes :
- Introduction to Raspberry Pi
- Raspbian OS Installation
- Interfacing with Linux Terminal Commands
- Programming using Python
- GPIO Interface /Peripheral Module Interfacing
- Image Processing
- OPENCV Interface Projects
MATLAB & Digital Signal Processing
We provide short term Certificate courses on MATLAB and DSP System.The duration is customised based on the student requirement . Apex of the course is as follows..
- Introduction to Matrix/Basic Matrix operations
- Signal Processing/ Image Processing
- Audio Processing
- Simulink / Graphical User Interface
- Camera Interface
- Projects /Exams
- Course Certificate

Professional PCB Design Course
We do provide short term courses on CAD/CAM PCB design courses for students.This Course is intended to have a detailed circuit analysis and to develop schematic using suitable software.
Apex of Course:
- Introduction to PCB’s
- Introduction to protel and proteus pcb design software’s
- Schematic Design
- Netlist creation
- Simulations
Embedded System Course
We are conducting short term Embedded System Courses on PIC, AVR ,ATMEL ,ARDUINO and ARM Microcontrollers. The Duration will be based on the requirement of student and normally 7days to 30 Days.
- Programming With C
- Introduction to Embedded System
- Detailed study of PIC, AVR,ATMEL,ARM and Arduino Microcontrollers
- Projects
- Exams
- Course Certificate

Post Graduate Diploma In Embedded system
It is 6 Month Internship Program with 3 Month Embedded System Course, After completion of this course the students will be ready to use for any industrial design works …
- Programming With C on Linux / Windows
- Introduction to Embedded System
- Detailed study of PIC, ARM, Atmel and AVR Microcontrollers
- OS & Real Time Operating Systems
- Robotics Design
- Professional PCB Design10-20 No’s of Projects
- Exams
- Internship Certificate
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Is there any pre qualification Required?
We provide Project guidance for M-Tech,M-Sc,MCA,B-Tech,B-Sc,BCA and Diploma students.
How many days it will take to complete a project?
Since we are providing Free course along with project guidance it may take few more days to complete. It depends on the stream, for B-Tech students it is 15-25 Days , B-Sc and Diploma it will take 10-15 Days and M-tech it will be 25-60 Days depending the project toughness..
Do you provide support to our own ideas?
Yes, we are more interested on it since we know, young minds will have innovative ideas, we are happy to be a part of it.
Will you provide Project guidance at our campus
Yes, we can provide the guidance at your campus, provided there should be a minimum guaranteed students strength.
Do you provide project output guarantee?
Yes, we do. Since we are an R&D company till now we successfully completed all the project handled.
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It may be difficult to find another true R&D company,from where you can grab hands-on experiences...
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